How To Buy The Right Treadmill According To Your Needs | Homefitness

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date Dec 22, 2022

Having the right exercise equipment is one of the factors contributing to a great workout. If running is your go-to workout routine a treadmill definitely comes in handy here. Customisable for different fitness levels, treadmills are the kings of the home gym. It is a popular exercise equipment in Singapore given the versatility and convenience of a treadmill as a running, walking and cardio machine.


However, with the availability of treadmills in the market these days, manual treadmills, motorised treadmills, foldable treadmills and many others, purchasing one that best suits your needs can be a tough decision to make. To make it easier, here are some ways to find out which treadmill is the right one for you.


Maximum Weight


The weight limit of most treadmills in Singapore generally ranges from 100 to 180 kg. You will want to find a treadmill that can handle at least 20 kg more than your body weight to ensure you don't add any additional strain on the treadmill’s motor. If you are on the heavier side, we would recommend you to invest in higher-end treadmills with more powerful motors and components that are capable of handling up to 220kg.


Track Size


The length of the track might not matter to those who jog or walk on a treadmill, but it is important for users who take longer strides. The standard length of treadmill tracks is 55 inches for walking treadmills and 58 to 60 inches for running ones. Some brands that are favoured by runners have tracks up to 63 inches, perfect for those with big steps.


As for the track width, the industry standard is 20 inches. Extra-wide treadmill tracks are becoming more common and are key for larger trainees, with tracks up to 22 inches wide.


Treadmill Incline


If you want to achieve your fitness goals quicker, you should get a treadmill that has an incline feature. It makes your routine interesting by varying your ride. Not only will you be able to burn calories faster, but you will also have better muscle definition.


Most commercial treadmills that are sold for home usage have maximum inclines of 10, 15 or 20%. Trainer treadmills have maximum inclines of 40%, allowing you to burn calories at a runner’s pace by just walking.


Workout Programs


Workout Programs treadmill in Singapore


Most home treadmills offer built-in workout programmes that help users with different exercise goals and training such as weight loss and endurance training. These pre-set programmes automatically control the speed, time and incline of the treadmill according to the chosen programme.


These are great for beginner runners and those who want to just zone out yet have varied and targeted running routines. Some brands also offer subscription-based streaming content for live or on-demand workouts and app integration.


We hope these tips helped you understand how to buy a treadmill that suits your workout needs and goals. It is worthwhile for you to first determine your general needs and preferences before choosing a treadmill in Singapore that offers the best combination of all. For more information on treadmills, do check out Homefitness’ wide variety of treadmills or contact our friendly professionals who would be more than happy to help you out.