The Best Dumbbell and Kettlebell Workouts You Can Do At Home | Homefitness

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date Dec 02, 2022

Training at home can be a challenge especially when you don’t have a well-equipped home gym setup. However, you can still exercise every muscle in your body with nothing more than dumbbells and kettlebells. By combining these kettlebell and dumbbell moves into your exercise routine, home workouts are made effective.


Kettlebells and dumbbells are great additions to any home workouts, but knowing how to use them is just as important as adding them to your routine. Without knowing how to use them effectively, there’s not much point in having them around. And since any workout is better than no workouts at all, here are some exercise routines that you can do with dumbbells and kettlebells.


Note: Do warm up for a few minutes before you start these routines by jumping rope or with dynamic stretching exercises like a reverse lunge with twist, straight leg march or knee cradle among others. These routines help in increasing blood flow, flexibility, and range of motion during your workout.


  • Kettlebell Halo


    Kettlebell halo is performed by making circular motions around the head with the kettlebell. For beginners, you can start with a lighter kettlebell (2kg) and gradually increase the weight as you get more comfortable with this routine. Here is what you need to do:


    1. Start by standing up with your shoulders relaxed and positioned over the hips. Keep your knees straight.

    2. Hold the kettlebell in front of your body by its horn (the vertical sides of the handle). The handle should face down while the ball of the kettlebell faces up.

    3. Begin circling to the right by bringing the kettlebell around the right side of your head all the way to the back of your neck. Finish the circle by bringing it around the left side of your head back to the starting position.

    4. Once you are done with one rotation, go in reverse again.

    5. Do it for 30 seconds or 10 reps alternating sides.


    Some benefits of the kettlebell halo are


    • Shoulder and spine mobility

    • Core stability


    Woman doing dumbbell lateral step-up workout


  • Dumbbell Lateral Step-Ups


    A dumbbell lateral step-up is a variation of the step-up that replicates a squatting motion a lot better compared to the traditional step-up. For beginners, you can choose a pair of 5kg dumbbells and increase the weight as you get comfortable with the routine. Here is a step-by-step instruction guide.


    1. Stand straight beside a low box or a bench and hold a dumbbell in each hand at arm's length.

    2. Place one foot onto the box or the step, while holding your other foot firmly on the floor.

    3. Move upwards while pressing the heel of your foot into the step.

    4. Finish with both your legs on the box and start all over again from the starting position.

    5. Do it for 1 minute or for 10 reps.


    The dumbbell lateral step-up works various leg muscles to


    • Improve balance

    • Improve hip stability

    • Improve your leg’s overall strength


  • Kettlebell Single Arm Deadlift

    The kettlebell single arm deadlift is the perfect introduction to kettlebell lifting, starting the movement for other routines like the kettlebell swing and kettlebell clean. If you are a beginner, we recommend starting with a 2kg kettlebell while slowly increasing the weight as you get comfortable. Here is how you should do it.


    1. Begin in a standing position by holding the kettlebell in your left hand with your feet shoulder-width apart.

    2. Draw your shoulder blades down and back to push your chest out slightly. Bend at the hips and once the kettlebell reaches your knee height, bend at the knee.

    3. Press your feet to the floor to stand straight and return to the starting position, ensuring your knee remains behind your toes.

    4. Repeat the routine on the other side.

    5. Do it for 1 minute or for 10 reps.


    Some benefits of the kettlebell single-arm deadlift include


    • Full body muscle activation

    • Posture improvement


Kettlebells and dumbbells are a great addition to your home workout routines because they develop endurance, power, muscle and strength simultaneously by working the different muscles in your body. If you are planning to get yourself kettlebells or a pair of adjustable dumbbells in Singapore, you can check out Homefitness for a wide range of high-quality exercise equipment.