Effective Kettlebell Workouts For The Busy Bees | Homefitness

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date Mar 22, 2023

Looking for a way to stay fit and toned without messing up your busy schedule? Kettlebells are great sports equipment for a quick 15-minute, full-body workout. Unlike other strength-building workouts that work only certain muscle groups, kettlebell training focuses on full-body movement patterns that use up to 600 muscles at one time. 

As it involves many different movements, your body is forced to use more effort to complete a full kettlebell workout routine in a short amount of time. With this, not only are you smashing your strength training with a cardio workout, but you are also conditioning more muscles in your body as you burn calories. And the best part - you only need kettlebells of different weights to reach your fitness goals. Here are 3 quick kettlebell workouts you can do in the comfort of your own house today! 

Learn More: The Best Dumbbell and Kettlebell Workouts You Can Do At Home

1. Goblet Squat

Most have the tendency to squat improperly, either by initiating the movement from the knee and not the hip or allowing their knees to go too far forward among others. By holding a kettlebell in a goblet squat, the weight of the kettlebell will act as a natural balance as you squat. This movement encourages you to activate your glutes as you get into a proper squat position. 

Here’s how you do it.

  1. Hold the kettlebell with both your hands against your chest as if you are preparing to drink from it. 

  2. Move down to a squat position by sitting your hips back and down while keeping your weight in the middle of your feet. 

  3. Maintain contact between the kettlebell and your chest by touching your elbows to your knees. 

  4. Return back to your standing position by pushing powerfully through your hips. 

  5. Repeat this step for another 10 reps. 

2. Kettlebell Swing

The kettlebell swing is the epitome of a full-body workout. This movement uses your upper body, core and lower body as you increase your heart rate and burn calories. For all those busy bees, this is the perfect workout as it can be done within 15 minutes (depending on your reps) and requires little space, allowing you to quickly work your body at home before starting your day. 

Here’s how you do it. 

  1. Hold the kettlebell with both your hands as you stand tall. 

  2. Squat as you lower the kettlebell along an arc under and between your legs. 

  3. Push through your hips and swing the kettlebell upwards until your arms are parallel to the floor, fully extended. 

  4. Return back to your original position by letting the kettlebell’s weight do the work as it descends. 

  5. Repeat this step for another 10 reps. 

3. Overhead Rotational Squat

The overhead rotational squat simulates your everyday movements where you reach for heavy, bulky and unbalanced stuff from different angles. This movement activates muscles in your upper body like your triceps and deltoids as well as muscles in your lower body, including your hamstrings, adductors, quadriceps and lower back muscles, increasing your overall strength, 

Here’s how you do it. 

  1. Start by holding a kettlebell in one hand pushed upwards above the same-side shoulder. 

  2. Squat and rotate your shoulder to the same side as the kettlebell, as you reach down and touch your foot with your other hand.

  3. Reverse the movement with your other hand when you return to the starting position. 

  4. Repeat this step for another 10 reps. 

If you want a full-body workout without messing up your busy daily schedule, then kettlebells of different weights and 15 minutes to spare are all you need to reach your fitness goals. Not sure where to purchase kettlebells in Singapore? Let us help you out! As a direct home gym supplier in Singapore, Homefitness is home to a variety of sports equipment including kettlebells! Do contact us today to know more